Workshops and Events
Webinar: Winter Finches
Tuesday, February 4th, 7:00-8:00 PM, Virtual.
Birders are often delighted to observe winter finches, especially crossbills. Join us to learn about the different Crossbill call types and the seasonal movements of these birds as they irrupt across North America. We'll be joined by a presenter from the Finch Research Network, who'll explore how the Red Crossbill helped to inspire this organization as well as the new Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States. Learn about ongoing research being done with Red Crossbills, Evening Grosbeaks, and more!
Webinar: The Importance of Groundwater in the Oak Ridges Moraine
Tuesday, February 11th, 7:00-8:00 PM, Virtual
The Oak Ridges Moraine plays an important role in how water moves through the environment in South Central Ontario. Stretching from the Niagara Escarpment to the Trent River, the moraine's unique features allow it to provide groundwater to over 200,000 people. Discover the role of the Oak Ridges Moraine in the water cycle, particularly its importance for groundwater. Learn about the Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program (ORMGP) and the available data and tools offered by this program.
Webinar: Valentine's Special: Animal Courtship
Thursday, February 13th, 7:00-8:00 PM, Virtual
I can't think of a more romantic date night than watching a naturalist talk over Zoom for an hour, can you? ❤️💘😍
Learn about some fascinating examples of animal courtship from across the Oak Ridges Moraine. How does the Ruffed Grouse perform its "drumming" display? Why do Bald Eagles clutch onto one another and fall hundreds of feet through the air together? What do salamanders get up to in vernal pools? Discover the answer to these questions by joining us for this fascinating presentation the night before Valentine's Day!
Guided Walk: Winter Wildlife Wander
Saturday, March 1st, 9:00-11:00 AM
Rain date: Saturday, March 8th, 9:00-11:00 AM
Location: MapleCross Nature Reserve, Schomberg, Ontario
In the dead of winter, many animals are hibernating or have migrated elsewhere. Take the time to appreciate the subtle beauty of winter wildlife with this guided walk. Look for tracks and signs of animal life in the snow. Try to identify some familiar plants in their winter forms. Learn about galls and how insects overwinter. The slower pace of this time of year allows us to appreciate the resilient species that tough it out during these difficult conditions. Get out on the land and appreciate the beauty of nature!
Accessibility: please note that there are no washrooms on site. The trail contains uneven terrain and is unsuitable for many mobility aids.
Webinar: Reintroductions of Mottled Duskywing back to Ontario's rarest habitats
Wednesday, March 12th, 7:00-8:00 PM, Virtual
In 2021, members of the Ontario Butterfly Species at Risk Recovery Team conducted the first reintroduction of an endangered butterfly when they returned Mottled Duskywing to Pinery Provincial Park. Since then, a population has become well-established and the team has begun reintroductions to other formally occupied sites and fully restored habitats. This collaborative work by the University of Guelph, NRSI, Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory, Wildlife Preservation Canada, NCC, and Ontario Parks is bringing attention to the loss of Ontario's rare tallgrass habitats and the inspiring work that is being done to restore and rewild them.
The Mottled Duskywing is found in the Rice Lake area near our Kirtland's Warbler habitat restoration sites. By including their host plants in our restoration work, these sites have the potential to help support this endangered butterfly.
Guided Walk: Spring Ephemeral Wildflowers
Saturday, April 26th, 9:00-11:00 AM
Sunday, April 27th, 9:00-11:00 AM
Location: StarCliff Nature Reserve, Schomberg, Ontario
Come and experience the beauty of spring ephemeral wildflowers with a guided walk through our private nature reserve in Schomberg Ontario!
This group of wildflowers includes species like Bloodroot, Yellow Trout Lily, Dutchman's Breeches, and Blue Cohosh. They flower very briefly in the early spring, often for only a few days. With any luck, we'll encounter some of these gorgeous species in full bloom! Discover the fascinating relationships these plants have with native pollinators. Learn how you can help protect forest habitats and the amazing species that call them home.
Accessibility: please note that the trail at this site contains some steep inclines and uneven terrain. It is not accessible for community members with limited mobility.