The Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust is registered charity that works with citizens and neighbours to protect and steward ecologically important land on and near the Oak Ridges Moraine, for everyone’s collective benefit.
Protecting the special natural features of the Oak Ridges Moraine for a healthy & sustainable future.
Our Vision
We envision that natural environments important to sustaining life are protected forever.
Mission Statement
The Land Trust works to ensure a healthy ecosystem and natural environment that thrives forever, on and near the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Protecting Nature
The lands that we protect on and near the Oak Ridges Moraine will grow in importance as more and more natural areas are lost.
Consider what just one acre of green space, covered with forest, wetland or open meadow does for you: cleans the air, cleans and regulates water, shelters wildlife, supports pollination, provides space for recreation, protects us from run-off and erosion, ensures dispersal of seeds, and more.
With your support, we have been able to permanently protect 5,367 acres of ecologically important land on or near the Oak Ridges Moraine, but there is much more to protect, and we need your help.
Acquiring Land
The Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust works with private landowners to secure ecologically significant lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine.
We acquire land through Donations, Stewardships and Conservation agreements, and occasionally outright purchase.
With your support, we can continue to protect land forever, ensuring that water will continue to be cleaned, trees and shrubs will continue to clean our air and shelter more birds and wildlife, and we will all benefit from the protected nature and greenspace.
Caring for our Land
Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust is committed to ensuring all our protected properties are well managed and their unique ecologies are maintained.
A significant portion of caring for the properties is the continued education we provide surrounding the ecology and wildlife that the Oak Ridges Moraine protects.
When possible we invite the public to join us in exploring these lands through workshops and events designed to further educate and enrich our knowledge of the moraine and it's unique contribution to our lives.
Our Values
The following values statements guide and inspire every decision and action at the Land Trust. We will:
Maintain and enhance the trust of our community
Collaborate with communities and partners for the common good
Effectively steward our lands in perpetuity
Be accountable for our results, decisions and resources
Engage, influence, persuade and advocate
Treat volunteers, staff members, donors and all others involved with the Land Trust with respect
Celebrate successes in environmental protection
For more details about our long-term vision and plan, please view our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan PDF here.
You can view our ByLaws here