Explore the Oak Ridges Moraine and each of our special and unique properties by clicking on the municipalities!
Township of Adjala/Tosorontio
Adjala Forest
There is a ridge that runs through this property and provides an interesting contrast between the damp forest at the base and the mature upland forest at the top. Along the slope is a healthy collection of forest wildflowers including hepatica, bellwort, trilliums and ferns. Slowly, the landscape seems to transform towards the summit as the forest understory opens up to a stunning view, with deer silently making their way through the trees. There is a magical feeling here. It is easy to see why these donors felt so strongly about protecting it.


Working farmland and headwater streams can go together! We’ve been able to protect both through a partnership with our sister Land Trust, the Ontario Farmland Trust. The horses roam in pastures, the crops grow in working fields, and the forests and buffers protect the Headwater streams that eventually become the Nottawasaga River. Hundreds of trees and shrubs have been planted along the stream to ensure good water quality as it moves through the property. Glacial Erratic boulders can be found throughout the property, echoing back to the initial forming of the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Tottenham Treasure
This property is home to a gorgeous mixed deciduous forest. It’s dominated by maple and beech, as well as hemlock, cherry, and ash on the site and boasts interior forest habitat. The mature tree canopy is truly impressive. This property provides a home for a variety of plant species including wood fern and white baneberry. A number of bird species breed here including the Eastern Wood Pewee and Wood Thrush, both Species at Risk. This property is part of the Innisfil Creek watershed. Development and urban sprawl continue to destroy forest habitats across the region. The protection of this site through a conservation easement will help ensure that all these species continue to have a safe place to call home.

Humber River
The Humber River is one of Southern Ontario’s most iconic geographical features! This designated Canadian Heritage River contains both significant natural and cultural heritage features, making it one of the OMLT’s most intriguing aquisitions. The list of rare species on this property is impressive and shows the significance of protecting this land. The Ebony Jewelwing damselflies are so prolific one could almost get bored of seeing them (but that would never happen)! The forest along the shores of the river is home to some of the largest maple trees we’ve seen in a long time. We just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hug a few as we passed by!

The Conservation Easement donations of these two properties also included the protection of agricultural land that had the potential for development. With the restrictions established by our donor, we can all be sure that this farmland will continue to be working land for future generations on the Greenbelt.
City of Pickering
Ruth Nature Reserve
This hardwood forest is a stunning display of the rolling topography of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Mature stands of black cherry, hemlock and oak run up and down the sides of these hills. During our 2017 BioBlitz, over 80 species of mushrooms were found! Who would have thought that we had such diversity and colour in our fungal families here in Ontario! This property boasts hardwood forests, a wetland, a sand pit, and plantation. The diversity of habitats is a testament to the diversity that is found all across the Moraine.
Town of New Tecumseth
Beeton Heritage Forest
This 44 ha (108 acres) local, ecological and cultural gem was donated to the Land Trust in its entirety by the Town of New Tecumseth. This donation was made to provide the protection worthy of a forest of this calibre and beauty. Home to species at risk such as Butternut, Barn Swallow, Red-headed Woodpecker, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and Monarch, this property’s diverse wetlands, forests, and meadows will clean our air and protect our water, into the future. Please note that the forest is now open the public.
Check out our About the Moraine page for more details.

Township of King
Happy Valley Tract
There is a reason why this tract is named Happy – the valleys are deep, the hills are alive, and the wildlife is spectacular. On a quiet day, it is not uncommon to watch deer silently make their way through the valleys as they seek shelter of the mature forest to the south. Grassland birds thrive here, and the diversity of life can be felt as well as seen. We are proud to work with the Regional Municipality of York on our first joint ownership acquisition to keep this valley happy and healthy. This property is also part of the Oak Ridges Trail, and can be enjoyed by visitors year round.

ORTA Trail
This 100-acre plot is home to some of the oldest and treasured trees, including maple, hemlock, and endangered butternut. The Oak Ridges Trail passes through these two properties, leading one around vast wetland where critters can be seen swimming, flying overhead, or stopping for a drink. These sights alone make the trek through this vast property worth the visit.
Slokker Property
Old farmland offers spectacular opportunities for grassland birds, butterflies, and dragonflies. The Slokker property, also known as the Nobleton Forest Tract is owned by TRCA and the Land Trust holds an easement. It is the place to go to see beautiful things with wings that call this property home! Trees have been planted by TRCA and York Region, and the wetland continues to provide a haven for ducks and turtles. Bobolink and Barn Swallows are just two of the birds that forage and nest here.

Family Farmland

A family in King Township has come together to ensure their rural land legacy is protected forever. Over 370 acres is protected through four different agreements that demonstrate the deep connection they have to this land. And it’s easy to see why! An ancient kettle lake sits on the property and was formed by the melt waters from the last glacial period over 12,000 years ago. Surrounding the shores are beautiful forests and meadows. The varied habitats within this protected area provide home for several bird species of note which will benefit from the use of the property as a registered organic farm.
Star Cliff Nature Reserve
The owner bequested her family property to the Land Trust in 2007. This special gift has been lovingly adopted by a volunteer property steward who plans invasive species management days, clean ups, and can often be found roaming the property and soaking up the beauty. In 2016, the property was designated as a Monarch Way Station, recognizing the sensitive habitat of milkweed and grasslands that this property provides for the butterfly. In the valley sits another kettle lake, venturing into the mature forest on her shores, you can find a viewing platform to sit and ponder, or simply watch the world go by. No matter what time of year you go, you’ll find something camera worthy! If you would like to view the property and pull a few garlic mustard plants along the way, contact us and we’ll set something up.

Happy Valley Forest

With your support, we were able to protect our 56th property, 10 acres located near Happy Valley Forest. This beautiful, steep valley forest was donated by a former Board Member and his wife, who were determined to protect it for future generations. The forest provides habitat for several species at risk in the Happy Valley Forest area, including Eastern Milksnake, and potentially the Cerulean Warbler and Red Headed Woodpecker – and is a wonderful addition to our protected properties on the Moraine.
MapleCross Nature Reserve
Home to Barn Swallows, Snapping Turtles and other Species at Risk, the MapleCross Nature Reserve is a 32.46-hectare parcel of diverse land. Present habitats include, forest swamp, coniferous plantations, a constructed marsh wetland and cultural meadow. The swamp, being approximately 11.6 hectares, is a Provincially Significant Wetland. All mature forest on the property, which encompasses the swamp and totals 15.6 hectares, is a Candidate Life Sciences Area of Natural and Scientific Interest.
With funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we have recently completed a renovation of the former horseback riding arena and stable. This renovation has provided a safe, usable space linked to the community’s farming and natural history. This space is unlike the typical event space, as just entering the space immediately puts participants into an active engagement of the surroundings. The large open arena allows for a unique programming space with open areas better suited for social distancing, learning and exploring in an inspirational location with both cultural and natural heritage.
Radvanyi Nature Reserve

This property is located within the Pottageville Swamp Complex and the southern edge of Holland Marsh. It contains over 30 acres of provincially significant wetland, dominated by White Birch and White Elm as well as Tamarack. Located within a highly vulnerable aquifer, the protection of this property helps to ensure continued access to clean drinking water for the region’s residents. Species at Risk are present, including the Common Snapping Turtle and Black Ash. This property provides excellent feeding opportunities for wetland predators including the Great Blue Heron and Osprey.
Town of Mono
Valley Fells
The original owners of Valley Fells lovingly planted thousands of trees across this breathtaking 98-acre property in an effort to restore the previously barren landscape. It grows in the form of trees but it blooms every year! The original donors planted thousands of trees that converted the barren landscape into a natural wonder to behold. Plantations, grazing fields, and wetlands collide together to create a patchwork of environments that dance in perfect unison. The wildlife here is astounding! Foxes, deer, hawks, coyote, and grassland birds are regular visitors. It’s a lifetime of effort, love, and compassion that has transformed this landscape and we are honoured to protect it for future generations.

Kawartha Lakes
Concession 4
The success of protecting parcels of adjacent lands is evident in this early 199-acre conservation agreement which impacts on the flow of waters to the Pigeon River via Fleetwood Creek. If you look closely on the forest floor you can see the fascinating Indian Pipe flower. This plant does not have any chlorophyll, so it appears ghostly white and feeds off of the roots of nearby fungi, trees and decaying plant matter. The property includes an active farm, hardwood forest, conifer plantings, some regenerating fields and two natural ponds.

Farming History Becomes Farming Future
A historic barn complex sits on 40.5 ha (100 aces) of active agricultural lands, forest and wetlands in Innisfil which have been protected though a donation of a Conservation Easement on the property to the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust. The donor’s family have lived and cared for the farm and its natural spaces in the area for generations. The farmlands are surrounded by forest and wetlands, which are home to several Species at Risk, including the endangered Butternut tree and the Monarch butterfly (Special Concern). The property has also been home to a raptor (hawks & owls) banding research station for over a decade, contributing to our knowledge of bird migration.

Hamilton Township
Northumberland County
Working farmland is an important part of the Moraine landscape. This beautiful farm in Northumberland County continues to grow a variety of crops and also has a wetland within the Cold Creek watershed. This Conservation Easement protects the property and all its wonderful features. On any given day during the monitoring season, we’ve been blessed to see a variety of salamanders and turtles crawling about! What’s more, the landowner frequently finds coyote skulls and other bones on the property that fascinate his grandchildren!

Beauchamp Nature Reserve
If you listen closely in the forest at night, you might hear the threatened Eastern Whip-poor-will singing! Although small, the protected forest is an important link between a variety of habitats adjacent to it, which help threatened species such as the Eastern whip-poor-will, Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark survive. The property is also a significant link in protecting precious local and regional groundwater, stream water, and wetland resources.

Town of Caledon
Serene beauty makes up the landscape of this property. A Provincially Significant Wetland lies at the heart of the land and provides a home for many rare species. Our Conservation Easement will ensure that the frogs, birds, and other critters will continue to sing, fly and crawl for generations to come.
Caledon Oasis

Imagine a property that provides shelter to almost 10 species at risk. The word refuge isn’t powerful enough to describe it! Through active private stewardship, this natural oasis continues to thrive. This 10 acre Conservation Easement demonstrates the landowner’s positive stewardship interest, including planting (endangered) American Chestnut and Cucumber Trees. The property is in an area of High Aquifer Vulnerability and part of the Innisfil Creek Subwatershed, with waters flowing into Georgian Bay via the Nottawasaga River.
Campbell Conservation Area
This beautiful property stands as a stunning example of the topography of the Oak Ridges Moraine. You can also venture into the valley and see where the Cold Creek cuts its way through the property as it works its way toward the Humber River.

Ontario's 500th Eco Gift

As Ontario’s 500th Ecological Gift, this property protects habitat and groundwater and has geological and historical significance. Glacial erratic boulders are dotted along the landscape, which are huge rocks transported far distances from the last glaciation. The area has been identified as being potential habitats for numerous Species at Risk such as Eastern Meadowlarks and Bobolinks, and on top of that, it is believed that the area used to be part of a First Nations settlement.
Township of Bethany
Bishop’s Wild Nature Reserve
In the early 1970’s, the previous owner purchased some land in Cavan township as a weekend retreat for his family. His daughter, relays stories of taking the train from Toronto to the property just outside Bethany, ON. Her father would meet them at the train and they would spend a weekend or a week at a time exploring the forests and the Cavan creek.
Late in 2015, a part of the property was donated to the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust in memory of their father. “Bishop’s Wild Nature Reserve” is a beautiful forested property that borders the Ganaraska Hiking Trail. It is a lovely legacy that Mr. Bishop’s family has left to the people of Ontario. The property is completely forested and is part of the headwaters for the Cavan Creek watershed. As Natural Core area on the Oak Ridges Moraine, we were thrilled to be entrusted with the donor’s Legacy. Bishop’s Wild is a stunning treasure filled with nests for birds of prey, beautiful wildflowers, frogs and deer… a haven for wildlife forever

Town of Aurora
McLeod Wood Nature Reserve
This island of green is the remnant of a family farm that has been developed for the growing population in Aurora. The McLeod family donated this property to ensure that the woodlands they loved so much would be protected forever. In 2015, this site was chosen for one of our first BioBlitz activities. The day was spectacular and the birds, plants, and other critters let us know they were there. We counted over 300 different species that day, and we KNOW there are more. This truly is an island oasis of green in an every growing urban landscape. The pressures continue here, but we are hopeful that strong stewardship, led by volunteer community support will result in a unique opportunity for nature appreciation.

Town of Whitby
Wilder Property South
An early conservation easement on this 43-acre property has now seen two transfers of ownership which clearly shows that there is continued interest in purchasing lands that protect the upper reaches of Lynde Creek. Killdeer, a common plover, can be found foraging and nesting in the flatter areas. They run a few steps then stop, looking for insects they may have stirred up. At times it displays an interesting “broken wing” act – pretending its wing is broken to lure predators away from its nest. Threatened species such as the Eastern Meadowlark and the Bobolink have also been seen flying and singing on the property.
Wilder Property North

Like the property above, this 53-acre property has changed ownership with active interest and activity to conserve the environmental features of this area. In 2013 the owners decided to plant native trees in the deciduous bush area, and now natural seeding is progressing from the remnant upland bush. Wild Turkeys are commonly found roaming through the fields.
Uxbridge Township
Uxbridge ORTA Trail
Venture off the road on the Oak Ridges Trail and suddenly the world comes alive. Woodpeckers sit high in the trees and watch you with as much curiosity as you might have for them. Between the massive trees that mark the old fence line, you’ll capture glimpses of the rolling hills of the Moraine. A little further along and you connect with a much older forest, and another network of trails to take. The options are vast, the enjoyment is endless.

Concession 8

Rain falling on this property ends up in the Uxbridge and Beaverton Creeks, eventually ending up in Lake Simcoe. The newly planted trees are home to all sorts of life. An old apple tree provides some of the most delicious snacks for the deer to nibble on, the Bobolink sing off to the east, and the conifers and hardwoods, lovingly planted, stand tall on the west. Well used bird boxes line the trail on the way to the Maple forest in the back. The sugar shack gets used each year and the tasty sap that runs is converted into maple syrup. A Sycamore tree grows strong, a Carolinian species that is thriving here, thanks to the love and attention it receives from these faithful property stewards
Wagg Road
Small conservation opportunities are important too as this 10 acres of completely forested property illustrates. While the property may be small, it is part of a much larger forest community. Spring time comes in with a bang here, with trilliums, blue cohosh, and trout lilies carpeting the ground of this mature forest. Fall is another spectacular time, as the colours of the canopy dance against the crisp blue sky. This property is a delight and always provides us with a story to tell. The donors of this easement have moved now, but the new landowners are caring for the land with just as much love and commitment.

Uxbridge Township Treasure

Two generations have come together to protect over 300 acres of grazing land, forest, wetland and shoreline. Throughout the grazing fields are a diverse array of butterflies and grassland birds. There are many spectacular vistas of the tumbling landscape. Way back in the property is a hidden gem of a wetland, with a display of diversity! Beyond the wetland is a forest of cedar, birch, ironwood and more. Along the trail are yellow birch and a maple that have completely grown together! Mother Nature always delights on this property.
Purvis Nature Reserve
The land acquired by the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust was from Ken Purvis, an individual who spent his life dedicating care and affection to both the community and the natural environment. The Duffins Creek flows through rolling hills of growing and restored forest on this quaint property.
Concession 6

During our 2018 BioBlitz season, volunteers and staff identified over 400 species on this property! Highlights included a Pileated Woodpecker soaring above, Barn Swallows flying through the meadow, and Big Brown Bats swooping down to get a drink from the pond. The property owners are also working hard to ensure that the invasive species Dog Strangling Vine (DSV) is kept under control.
Concession 4
This 66-acre property includes a forest with 50+ year old trees and a stream feeding into Duffin’s Creek, a cedar swamp. The area is part of a Provincially Significant Wetland Complex and is of High Aquifer Vulnerability, meaning that the groundwater below is more sensitive to pollution. On a clear day, Red Tailed Hawks are often seen soaring in the sky, hunting for its next prey.

Concession 4

A Kettle Peatland bog is the star of this property; formed after the last ice-age when huge blocks of ice carved depressions in the surrounding landscape. This bog is part of the larger Stanford Wetland Complex and is believed to be one of the few remaining parcels of mixed forest and wetland left in the Uxbridge area. The wetland, like others, is integral to water filtration and flood control.
Secord Nature Reserve
Laying adjacent to part of the Oak Ridges Trail, this 48-acre property is a gorgeous forest teaming with life from top to bottom. Make sure to have a camera on you as flora and fauna of every colour, shape, and size can be found perusing this gemstone all year round. Click here for the ORTA website.

Township of Adjala/Tosorontio
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City of Richmond Hill
Emery Nature Reserve
As you speed down the 404, you likely haven’t noticed the stunning landscape on the right side near Bloomington. It’s there, sitting quietly and offering nesting and foraging habitat for deer, bobolink, and monarch butterflies among others. This farmland area was donated to the Trust and, through wise and thoughtful stewardship, continues to be farmed. The wetland area is almost hidden among the grasses and wildflowers, but it is there and it is teeming with life! Some of the most spectacular jewels on this property are tiny, and it would be easy to pass by them without notice, but they are there, and are integral as part of the wonderful nature reserve.

Township of Scugog
Durham East Cross Forest
Sometimes property protection is like a jig-saw puzzle. That sure is the case with Kawartha Conservation’s East Cross Forest Conservation Area. Our Land Trust helped secure the funding for the Conservation Easements over two properties that are now part of 1,334 protected acres. The forests here are exceptional and provide habitat for the rare Red-shouldered Hawk, which requires large tracts of forest with mature trees and accessible wetland features. This property is open to the public for hiking and horseback riding. For more details and directions click here for the Kawartha Conservation site. The East Cross area contributes a great proportion of ground water discharge which eventually drains into the Scugog River, the source of drinking water for the Town of Lindsay.

Lake Ridge Road
Grazing lands, a tree nursery, conifer plantations and a large wet forest bordering Wagner Lake combine to make these 150 acre and 190 conservation agreements, negotiated in separate years on adjacent properties, an important mix of habitat and sustainable uses. The Uxbridge Brook drains this area
Concession 4
This acquirement is a rare one for the Land Trust, as much of this 200-acre property is being actively farmed under the Conservation Easement. Regardless of the land use, the owner has posted over 40 birdboxes across the property that have been successful in attracting Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows. The property us a birder’s dream come true, with regularly sighting of Belted Kingfishers, Sandhill Cranes, and Barn Swallows.

Rolling Meadows

The owners have planted over 40,000 trees in recent years making this 152-acre property a showcase for successful conservation. A Conifer plantation, mixed wood forest, hardwood forest, meadows, wetlands and three gardens help attract an amazing variety of species, including threatened species such as Eastern Meadowlarks, Bobolinks, Barn Swallows, and Monarch butterflies. Continued interaction between the Trust and landowners on an annual basis ensures that the Trust can assist in finding resources or solutions to further these incredibly admirable stewardship efforts.
These magnificent properties across Scugog and Pickering were donated through the Conservation Easements during the early years of the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust. Totaling almost 900 acres, these lands reside some of the highest points of the moraine, providing breathtaking views of rolling forests, vast wetlands, and on a clear day even the CN Tower.

Old Growth Gorgeous!
At over 200 acres in size, this forest is an impressive addition to the list of properties we protect, providing a fantastic example of how effective conservation easements are at protecting vital habitats. Located in the upper Nonquon River headwaters, this site contains 30.36 ha of old-growth forest and a provincially significant wetland. Along with neighbouring properties, this contributes to the largest remaining forest in Durham Region. It provides a home for numerous species at risk, including Butternut and Black Ash. Threatened by increased residential development in the region, the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust is honoured to protect this special place and the species that call it home.
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Whitchurch-Stouffville Reserve
This stunning property is part of a large forest complex with diversity that is very important to the health of the moraine.
The hardwood forest has a series of vernal pools where salamanders gather in early spring to take on a mating ritual worthy of awe! Their eggs float just under the surface, as the spring continues toward summer, emerging as the summer closes. The forest floor is covered with an abundance of small frogs and toads at every step! The owners are dedicated to caring for the natural features on their property and to ensuring that the wildlife have a safe place to call home.

York Region Nature Reserve
This picturesque nature reserve has a small tributary of Bogart Creek flowing through it. Throughout the year, you can here the gentle flow of water through a thick hardwood forest. High and low, the reserve is scattered with fascinating critters, creatures and plant life.
Rooke Nature Reserve
This vast property has been a prime example of the transformation land can go through with the right ideas and a lot of love. Alongside acres of growing trees flows a quiet stream where frogs and dragonflies can be found perched about and a charming open meadow where Barn Swallows can often be seen practicing their aerial acrobatics. This 23-acre property has proven to be a gemstone in the making.

Calandra Tract, part of York Regional Forest

What once was 60 acres of mostly open fields has now been planted with thousands of trees by York Region in an effort to increase natural cover. As a property managed by York Region, you can access the trails and wander through this young forest. Birds, butterflies and wildflowers are just some of the amazing things you’ll witness here. You can access the trail through the Hall or Patterson tract. Click here to learn more
Butternut trees, Bobolinks, and Red-Headed Woodpeckers, oh my! Sitting at just over 100 acres, this property situated near Lake Simcoe is a haven for dozens of Species- at-Risk. This land is host to several wetland complexes, highly vulnerable aquifers, and groundwater recharge areas, making this an important property to protect for future generations.

East Gwillimbury
This property is a wonderful example of how protecting small properties can have a big impact. This 15- acre property is home to a Provincially Significant Wetland and a thick forest of conifers and black ash. This slice of land is a wonderful breeding ground for reptiles and amphibians and is a home for Yellow-throated Vireos, Blue-winged Warblers and the Eastern Wood-Pewee, a species at risk in Ontario

South Monaghan
Bailieboro Beauty
Through a conservation easement, the donors have ensured that the ecological integrity of these two, 100-acre properties will be protected forever. Hay fields are grown without pesticides, and are “bird-friendly”, meaning the hay cutting is delayed allowing nesting birds to fledge. This provides valuable habitat for species at risk including Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark and Grasshopper Sparrow. The shrubby thickets in the wet areas help with water quality and quantity, while also providing habitat to variety of species. Coniferous forests on the site are dominated by White Pine, Tamarack, and Eastern White Cedar. Ghost Pipes grow along the forest floor in the late summer. One of the region’s most unusual plants, these pale white flowers are parasitic in nature, lacking lack chlorophyll and getting their nutrients from fungi in the soil. The bright orange Eastern Newt can also be found here crawling amongst the leaf litter. This property is north of Rice Lake near the eastern edge of the moraine. It’s within the Otonabee River watershed and part of the Squirrel Creek Provincially Significant Wetland. Two drumlins found on the property were forced by the same glacial retreat that created the Oak Ridges Moraine. Beyond the natural heritage features, this property is home to a beautifully maintained farm homestead, preserving the cultural heritage of the moraine as well.

Carolinian Edge
Located south of Rice Lake near the shores of Lake Ontario, as one the edge of the Carolinian Zone, this is one of the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust’s easternmost properties, with the most intriguing collection of tree species! This property contains a provincially significant wetland, heritage buildings, a cold water stream and some massive old growth trees. Spring Peepers can be heard calling in April and March. A number of spring wildflowers can be found here including White Trillium and Jack-in-the-Pulpit. In the damp forest floor, an impressive diversity of fungi can be found and the meadow habitat provides a haven for butterflies and other pollinators.

MapleCross Featherstone Nature Reserve
This 195-acre property in Northumberland is the site of an exciting habitat restoration initiative. This project is creating breeding habitat for the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler. So far, the ORMLT has planted several tree species including oaks and hickory. An 11.8-hectare area was seeded with native shrubs and wildflowers in the fall of 2023, with more being restored in the upcoming years. Several other species at risk will similarly benefit from this restoration work, including the Bobolink and Eastern Hog-nosed Snake. The Featherstone property contains 45 acres of significant woodlands. The land trust’s donors have made the purchase and restoration of this site possible.

Monitoring Our Moraine
We are deeply grateful to our donors who have entrusted us to protect their properties forever. As part of our promise, we monitor each property on an annual basis, look for changes in the habitats and we also record species sightings.
This vital data helps identify priority habitats, informs conservation recommendations and allows us to plan stewardship projects to protect our most vulnerable Moraine residents. And, with permission of landowners, we share our data with Ministry of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Information Centre to update the provincial records.
Wild and At-Risk Species of the
Oak Ridges Moraine
Our Moraine is home to a stunning and diverse array of wild and at-risk species. Protecting land on the Moraine means protecting habitats where they thrive.
This includes common wild species you love, including the White-tailed Deer, Hairy Woodpecker, and Green Frog.
And it also includes at-risk species, including the endangered Butternut, threatened Meadowlark and species of special concern Monarch Butterfly.
Our Starcliffe Nature Reserve has been certified as a Monarch Waystation, meaning it provides crucial habitat for migrating butterflies. For years, our volunteers have been hand-pulling garlic mustard, an invasive species, to help ensure the milkweed plants in the meadow continue to thrive and provide nourishment for our Monarchs.